Restaurant & Winery
Delicious food and drinks are inseparable match.
Let’s toast with taste.
In our restaurant and winery everything is done with taste, especially while serving, eating, drinking and singing.
Our hotel is unique in its variety because we offer accommodation, restaurant “Mali vrabac” and winery, all in one place in Skadarlija. The bohemian quarter here has all the glory.

Restaurant Mali Vrabac
The spirit of old Belgrade in the heart of Skadarlija.
Our restaurant “Mali Vrabac” is often too small to accommodate all interested guests, but large enough to satisfy all tastes. We offer different domestic and international specialties paired with selection of quality drinks.

Our mission is to satisfy all guests

If Belgrade is famous for its nightlife, Skadarlija is famous for good life in general, both day and night. We provide our guests with everything that makes life more beautiful: a restaurant with quality menu, cheerful traditional tambourine band, unique winery and a pleasant hotel.

We cherish the values of the most beautiful town Belgrade
The old-town spirit of Belgrade never leaves the garden of our restaurant “Mali Vrabac” in the middle of Skadarlija, especially not when the weather is nice. Enjoy the timeless charm of Skadarlija paired with our rich menu, diverse types of quality drinks and unique traditional music. We are waiting for you in “Mali Vrabac” garden to nurture together the values of the most beautiful town Belgrade.

Skadarlija – The Teacher of Life.
Skadarlija long ago has taken the role of a teacher. It saved the spirit of old Belgrade and still today wakes up the young spirit in every visitor. The most famous cobblestone in the Serbian capital defies time in every sense. Let’s be a part of history. Let’s enjoy all the beauty of impermanence.

Winery Skadarlija
Don’t wait for the wine, let the wine wait for you.
We have given Belgrade something more than ordinary winery. We have gathered a team of experts that we send to the best wine regions around the world to bring us back the jewels of winemaking. We chose the only Belgrade Street where the time stopped and where we found the quietest courtyard with an ancient cellar. Here we gather and spend time in pleasant atmosphere filled with joy, conversations, music and smells of food.

Good wine shops are like secret temples dedicated to wine, where sometimes is not so easy to get in. Wine tells a story to each guest, that’s why it is important for us to know that especially you are going to be our guest.

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal and it is certainly the most beautiful in our hotel, served in our garden.

Breakfast in our hotel.
Tradition dictates that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We also have our garden that is already full during the breakfast time. Start your day with a quality meal and with our diverse menu you can never go wrong.